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万国 IWC 奠定孚表现代工业化生 产基石的万国表公司成立于 19世纪,位于瑞士沙夫豪 森,它的创始人是一位富有 开拓精神的美国人——佛罗 伦汀。阿里奥斯托'琼斯(Florentine Ariosto Jones) -位来自波士顿的制表技师兼工程师。当年,这位充满热情的年轻人横渡大西洋千里迢迢来到当时收入水平还很低的传统钟表 王国瑞士,并于1868年在那里创立了自己的钟表公司——万国。
琼斯不仅仅是一个成功的企业家,更是一位颇具天赋的设计师,他本人以及他的作品甚至 对整个钟表行业的发展都带来了深远且重要的影响。利用非凡技术和精湛工艺制造出来的手表 很快为万国赢得了"高档钟表工程师"的美誉,且这种优良传统还一直保持到今天。现在,万国表依然和成立初期一样,是高端制表工业技术和手表精品的代名词。尽管在20世纪,万国表 经历了一系列的所有人的更迭,但是万国表的品质却丝毫没有受到影响。也正是这种始终如一 的品质让万国表获得了世界第二大奢侈品巨头历峰集团的垂青,2000年的时候,万国成为此集团的一员。 在万国表的发展史中,有两个事件堪称钟表技术发展史中里程碑式的革新:一是由万国创始人制造并用他的姓命名的琼斯机芯,二是1946年由时任万国技术总监钓阿尔伯特·比勒顿 (Albert Pellaton)推出的89型号机芯,这也是比勒顿的首枚作品。
watch maintenance and daily use note:
1 avoid waterproof apron is affected by temperature gap between expansion and contraction and accelerated aging, do not use the watch in a hot bath, sauna, a large amount of water vapor and temperature and humidity change in the environment (including water table).
2 do not operate the watch in the water button and adjust the crown of the table. In normal use, non spiral crown should push the crown back to the original position, the crown screw thread to prevent water infiltration.
3 regularly clean the watchband. Recommended to the professional watch cleaning service stations for maintenance, even if it is highly waterproof watch is not allowed to put the watch for a long time in the water, with the way of immersion cleaning.
4 if the material easy to avoid watchband permeability and moisture, moisture, cosmetics, etc. chemical items contact, and avoid exposure, to prevent discoloration and deformation. Leather Watchband of consumables, often worn to be replaced regularly.
5 watch shall be subjected to severe impact or fall, do not touch the watch strong surfaces the same or higher hardness, such as metal oxide, quartz crystal, stone, sand, granite surface, concrete walls etc.. When the watch is off, make it a habit to put it in a safe place.
6 do not put the watch in the field of electrical appliances (such as sound, refrigerator, computer, etc.) or magnetic objects (such as magnets, mobile phones) next to. In addition, the bag switch magnetic button can also cause the watch to be magnetically, resulting in the watch is not allowed to travel or temporarily stop.
7 do not go to the 22 point -2 points to adjust the date of watch, in order to avoid damage and the calendar jump is not accurate, watches such as the need to adjust the time, please dial the table clockwise, please do not dial counterclockwise.
8 under any circumstances please do not disassemble the watch. If any non special maintenance point of the demolition of the watch, the watch will not be guaranteed.